Rising Sign Table

  Find your rising sign with Calculator, or by finding your Sun sign and the hour of the birth in this table:


Your Rising Sign traits 

on a good day/ on a bad day

The self you project to the world is most often a perfectly balanced blend of your rising sign and your sun sign. Your ascendant is a very important part of your personality and how you function in the world. The main thing to keep in mind when learning about your rising sign is that unlike your sun and moon sign, your rising sign reflects a more superficial, outward personality. Having a Sagittarius ascendant will not make you a Sagittarius, but it will probably help you relate to and attract Sagittarians.
Ready to find out your rising sign? Once you’ve got it, check out this quick overview of the way your rising sign is reflected in your personality profile:
An Aries Rising makes you appear more… open, lively, independent, and dominant.
A Taurus Rising makes you appear more… calm, steady, self-contained, and centered.
A Gemini Rising makes you appear more… talkative, witty, positive, and curious.
A Cancer Rising makes you appear more… shy, subtle, kind, and intuitive.
A Leo Rising makes you appear more… magnetic, expressive, strong, and eloquent.
A Virgo Rising makes you appear more… reserved, observant, analytical, and nervous.
A Libra Rising makes you appear more… charming, optimistic, socially adept, and accepting.
A Scorpio Rising makes you appear more… secretive, quiet, brooding, and mysterious.
A Sagittarius Rising makes you appear more… jovial, direct, opinionated, and honest.
A Capricorn Rising makes you appear more… diligent, controlled, serious, and detail oriented.
An Aquarius Rising makes you appear more… idealistic, progressive, contrary, and friendly.
A Pisces Rising makes you appear more… romantic, sensitive, vague, and adaptable.

More about Ascendant


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