Here come the Gemini Twins, chattering a mile a minute! But as fast as they're talking, we can be sure their speedy minds are moving even faster.
Ruled by mental Mercury, Gemini is the communicator of the zodiac -- and what some people might jokingly call the most schizophrenic sign. This is because Gemini has a dual nature: part brainy intellect and part scatterbrained chatterbox. One half of Gemini wants to drink coffee and read the newspaper, while the other wants to swig whiskey and chatter on the phone. Together these qualities combine to create smart, funny, interesting people who are versatile and adaptable, and able to see both sides of any situation. 
Check out how a Gemini acts in real life with this article by Maria DeSimone!

What we love about Gemini

Gemini is clever, curious, talkative and flirty. Their versatile minds bounce from one topic to another with ease, making them fun to be around and often inspiring. 

Why Gemini drives us nuts

Listening is not Gemini's strong suit, nor is sitting still. Easily distracted, they may fail to finish things they start. Gemini also needs to be careful about cutting others with their razor-sharp wit.

Gemini advice

Learn to slow down, calm your mind and center yourself through deep breathing exercises or yoga.

Most compatible matches

Gemini is most compatible with fellow Air signs Libra and Aquarius, and with Fire sign Leo.

Least compatible matches

Airy Gemini is least compatible with watery Cancer and Pisces, and with earthy Taurus and Virgo
There's more to compatibility than just your Sun sign! Check to see if you're matched up with the best sign by trying our Free Love Compatibility Meter.

Born on the cusp

People born on the cusp share common traits from two different zodiac signs. Check to see if you're a cusper!

Gemini at a Glance 

Element: Air
Glyph:  ♊
Quality: Mutable
Color: Yellow
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Tarot Card: The Lovers
Hey, Gemini! There's more to your Astrology than just your Sun sign. Find out about your Moon sign, Rising sign and so much more with a Free Cosmic Profile!


