Here comes quirky Aquarius, marching to the sound of their own off-beat drummer. Aquarius is symbolized by the Water-Bearer, though it's actually an Air sign.
Ruled by the unpredictable planet Uranus, Aquarius is the most eccentric zodiac sign -- there's never a dull moment with an Aquarius around. Intellectual, friendly and future-minded, Aquarians are not very emotional -- but they still are the humanitarians of the zodiac. The Water-Bearer represents community and mankind, and Aquarius is more concerned with the good of all than the good of one.
Check out how an Aquarius acts in real life with this article by Maria DeSimone!
It can be difficult to get close to Aquarius, who prefers thoughts and ideas to emotions and feelings, but their stimulating company and caring ways earn them many fast friends for life.

What we love about Aquarius

Friendly, outgoing and intellectual, Aquarius is always brimming with great ideas and fun conversation. Plus, they're ever-willing to lend an ear or a helping hand.

Why Aquarius drives us nuts

Aquarius is friendly, but they have an aloof and detached quality that prevents others from getting too close. A lack of intimacy in relationships can frustrate friends and lovers. 

Aquarius advice

Aquarius' eternal quest for knowledge turns up notions that range from brilliant to insane. Learn to separate the two and you'll meet with less opposition when presenting your ideas. 

Most compatible matches

Offbeat Aquarius is most compatible with equally independent and unpredictable fellow Air signs Gemini and Libra.

Least compatible matches

Airy Aquarius is least compatible with Earthy Taurus and Capricorn, who require more stability; and with homebody Water sign Cancer.

Aquarius at a glance

Element: Air
Glyph: ♒
Quality: Fixed
Colors: Bright blue, turquoise green and purple


