Virgo as Rising-sign

The Mercurial need to communicate will be particularly important to people with Virgo rising, and although because of their Sun-sign they may not be especially talkative, once a good relationship has been established a pleasant liveliness will blossom.

 The practical, logical elements of Virgo are strong, but are only expressed after serious deliberation and constructive thought and always in relation to the characteristics of the Sun-sign.

 It is particularly good for this group to go in for a little self-analysis from time to time, because in turning these natural qualities towards the self, a great deal can be learned about basic motivation—far more than is usually the case when other signs are rising.

There is a lovely, soft kindheartedness and a tender expression of emotion which will emerge in permanent relationships. This is due to the influence of the polar or opposite sign, Pisces, which has a strong bearing on partnership for those with Virgo rising.

This is unique, and will bring out traits that the individual may not be aware of until he or she settles into a relationship. It is also totally private to the couple themselves.


