Sagittarius Horoscope: March 2015

Foreign affairs

Matters of the heart seem to be all you can focus on these days. On March 3-4, you'll have a brilliant opportunity to make the most of a sexy love connection with someone special. This person is likely to have a background that is different from you in some way. Perhaps he or she is from a dissimilar culture or religion than you. Whatever the details, you'll find the differences exciting. This person will make you feel alive!
You'll pull yourself away from your love life on March 5, just long enough to enjoy any accolades your boss or other VIP connected to your career wants to give you. It appears that you've done something quite special professionally, and now you'll have an opportunity to shine. One way or another you'll be in the spotlight for a career matter -- and it looks good!

Venus, the planet of harmony, will enter your workaday sector on March 17, and she remains there until April 11. This will make life at the office run even more smoothly than you can imagine. You and your colleagues will easily collaborate with one another on projects. If you are a business owner, now will be a great time to hire new staff, as you're likely to find the perfect fit.
Your domestic life will also be a-buzz this month, thanks to a powerful Solar Eclipse in your home and family sector on March 19. If you're thinking about a move or a home renovation, this will be an ideal time to set the wheels in motion.


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