Scorpio Romance Horoscope- Flirt, Seduce and Love a Scorpio

Scorpio Love Horoscope

Here’s some general info about Scorpios that might give you an idea of what they’re all about:

  • their ruling planet is Pluto
  • their element is Water
  • basic trait: I desire!

  • strengths: charismatic, loyal, trustworthy, patient, caring, passionate…
  • weaknesses: prone to jealousy, stubborn, sensitive, egoistic…

These guys simply ooze passion.

No wonder you have a thing for a Scorpio man! These guys simply ooze passion. It’s like, sure, they seem composed and calm most of the time, but as soon as you gaze into his eyes you’ll be drawn in! And then – you’re hooked! It’s merely impossible to stay cool after you’ve caught a glimpse of the fire this guy’s holding within. You’ll become intrigued by the fiery and feisty persona that’s hidden under a nice thick veil of mystery, just waiting to burst out and take over!
Seducing him means getting under all of the layers and right into the core of his being – so, it’s advisable to be ready for what you might uncover. Once he’s opened up you’ll find that this is a person who is capable of immense passion! And that passion is there, in everything he does – work, love, jealousy… Every single thing!

Yes, a Scorpio man is very prone to jealousy.

He is possessive in the extreme, so, all those little teasing games will do you no good! This guy simply won’t stand for it! A girl who’s ready to act loose and flirt all over the place just to catch some attention is not the one for him! In fact, he’ll see right through any kind of game playing, so don’t go that route.



Five Clever Ways to Make a Scorpio Man Fall in Love With You!

Create An Air Of  Mystery About Yourself

The number one tip for attracting a Scorpio man is to create an intriguing air of mystery about yourself. He'll find you much more fascinating, and be keen to get to know you better, if you hold back at first from revealing everything about your life. Nothing appeals more to the Scorpio male than solving difficult puzzles and uncovering hidden information. If you make things too easy for him by presenting yourself as an open book, he'll quickly lose interest in you. If, on the other hand, you give him a bit of a challenge - which no Scorpio man can ever resist - he'll find it impossible to keep away. Be very careful though, not to be dishonest in any way. A little reticence is fine, but if a Scorpio discovers you've been telling him actual untruths, you may have ruined your chance of seducing this guy.

 Be Totally  Upfront  And Truthful

A Scorpio man is unlikely to fall in love with someone who has deceived him or taken him for a fool, so play your cards wisely to win this guy's heart. Because this star sign finds it hard to forgive and forget, once you've given a Scorpio man reason to think he can no longer trust you, he will probably be turned off for ever. However good you may consider yourself at getting away with little white lies, be aware that you'll always be found out by a Scorpio. These guys have a fearsome talent for ferreting out all kinds of secrets and misinformation. If there's something in your life you feel ashamed of or uncomfortable about, it's far better to be totally upfront with a Scorpio man than try to massage the facts in some way. Scorpio men have a lot of respect for honesty, but only contempt for liars and cheats.

 Don't Let Him Push You Around

Be classy and dignified and make like you're a person of real substance in order to attract a Scorpio man. Scorpios demand the highest quality in all aspects of their life, not least in their love life, and won't waste their time on you if you come across as cheap and flaky. If you own any expensive stuff, be sure to flaunt it. If you don't, talk about your aspirations for acquiring some soon. Scorpio men are attracted to strong minded people with plenty of guts who know where they're going in life. You won't win a Scorpio's heart if you give the impression of being a weak willed loser. To be someone a Scorpio man could fall in love with, you have to prove you're capable of standing up for yourself. Expect him to give you plenty of chances to prove this as he tests out how easily he can push you around.

 Play A Little  Bit  Hard To Get

While sex obviously means a lot to most guys, for the Scorpio man it's possibly the most important thing about a relationship. For this reason, in order to seduce a male Scorpio, it's important to send out strong signals that you find him sexually attractive. But at the same time don't commit the cardinal error of making yourself too easily sexually available to a Scorpio man. Instead of throwing yourself at him, use subtle body language to show you're interested, dress provocatively but not in too obvious a way (it's wise to leave something to his imagination) and make a point of playing a bit hard to get. Remember that the Scorpio man loves a challenge and soon gets bored if everything is handed to him on a plate. To keep him on the hook, best make him wait as long as you can for sex.

Never Try Telling Him What To Do

Win a Scorpio man's confidence - and his heart - by never doing or saying anything that makes him feel threatened or challenges his personal control. Although they'd hate you to know it, these guys suffer from all kinds of inner insecurities which they're careful to hide behind a tough outer skin. Scorpio men like to be in a position of maximum power, which they achieve by always staying in charge and disclosing as little as possible about themselves (although of course they want to know all about you). If you pry too deeply into a Scorpio man's life or start telling him what to do, he'll get very suspicious of your motives, go massively on the defensive and pull back from getting involved with you. Play it softly, softly when trying to seduce a Scorpio guy - and never forget you're playing with fire!




Remember that there is a lot more to compatibility analysis than just comparing Sun Signs. To get an accurate picture, it’s necessary to compare both people’s full birth charts. Please write me a

Best Matches


These two signs possess many differences, but they are differences of the type that compliment each other instead of cause trouble. Scorpio’s powerful nature helps make soft-spoken Cancer feel secure and protected – a priority for them. Cancer’s natural need to please and utter devotion to the object of their affection keeps Scorpio’s tendency to be jealous at bay. This is a passionate union ideally suited for marriage.


Capricorn natives and Scorpio natives go together excellently, as they make a very good team. Capricorn’s natural patience and diligence compliments Scorpio’s potent imagination and keen investigative skills. This is also a wonderful match when it comes to sexual chemistry. As long as Capricorn can learn to understand and accept Scorpio’s sometime need to dominate, this will be a union that should blossom into a strong, healthy long-term relationship.


 Although these two are quite different when it comes to quite a few fundamentals, their differences compliment one another instead of making waves. Dreamy Pisces is all too willing to allow Scorpio to take the lead and, in fact, actually feels more loved and valued as a result of Scorpio’s possessiveness. Scorpio will be all too happy to take care of dependent Pisces and compensate for its tendency to be indecisive. Relationships of all levels are generally very successful with this pairing.

Worst Matches


This is a combination that can start with a strong mutual attraction, but ultimately these two signs are too different when it comes to the fundamentals to make for a satisfactory match. Scorpio’s jealousy and possessiveness will aggravate Libra natives and possible inspire them to be unfaithful or become deceptive. Scorpio’s unwillingness (or inability) to ever forgive anything will ensure that any breaching of boundaries on Libra’s part will never be forgotten. This often results in an unstable, rocky union that rarely results in marriage.


Generally speaking, Scorpio is too intense and brooding a match for a light-hearted Leo native. Leo also finds it quite the challenge to deal with the dramatics and possessiveness typically associated with Scorpio, while Scorpio is unlikely to appreciate Leo’s constant need for attention and praise. Both signs are extremely strong-willed and dominant, causing relationships between the two to break down into power struggles more often than not.


Scorpio and Gemini literally speak two different languages when it comes to both love and life. Scorpio is quite a private entity while Gemini can’t imagine life without interaction with others. Gemini is light-hearted and even flighty while Scorpio is intense, serious, and often inflexible. Gemini’s natural tendency toward flirtatiousness will aggravate jealous Scorpio, while the demands Scorpios tend to make of their partners will make Gemini feel trapped and suffocated.

Wild Cards


As is the case with many two-of-a-kind matches, the similarities between a pair of Scorpios can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, there will be no shortage of passion in the relationship and their sex life will be nothing short of amazing. On the other hand, the two are both so intense that arguments and dramatics will be common issues. Unless they have very similar opinions when it comes to the fundamentals of how life ought to be lived, their relationship can quickly deteriorate into a series of ugly power struggles.


On the one hand, both Taurus and Scorpio are passionate, sexual signs that will find they have much in common when it comes to their attitude toward relationships. However, they are both also signs that are notorious for being stubborn, possessive, and inflexible. If these two can find a way to incorporate compromise into their relationship and be rational about conflicts that arise, this can be a very rewarding match, but it will most certainly be a challenge for both of them.



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