Capricorn Monthly BusinessScope for April 30, 2015

The keyword for April is: pacing. There's no question that you are a bundle of ambition but if weighed down with responsibility you need to lift the load before you find that you can't give 100 percent. The April Eclipse suggests abrupt changes in activities so you need to be ready to jump in. The word 'delegation' comes into play and it should be your focus through April 9th. Although no one can be trusted, as you and others trust yourself, this is the time when you might instinctively know the difference between friend and foe. April 10th is your lucky day. If job hunting, this is the time to send out resumes. Don't forget follow-up calls and thank-you notes. Ask for favors of those who would help if they could, if they just knew what you needed. You are very persuasive on April 14th, when you should meet with authority figures and get your ideas across. You end the month the image of efficiency, organized and standing on a rock-solid foundation. You are ready for May, ending on a winning note rather than a whining one because you are bone-tired. Synchronously, the pace picks up. Aren't you glad you are ready?

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