Leo Monthly BusinessScope for April 30, 2015

The April Eclipse sends the reassuring sign that, yes, doors are opening. The bell rings and something obvious is here as a matter of fact (but not completely because there's more). April 6th, 7th, and 8th, I hope you are a believer in the element of surprise because the "to be continued" arrives. You are in for a few stunning moves. You even make a few of your own. The latter relates to following through on the strategy you've mapped, or should have! April 14th and 15th, word of mouth is the best advertisement and by far the least expensive. It's time to network, and not just with old connections. You are wise to expand, especially if you are in the market for something new professionally. Close some old chapters and open a new one. As far as current acquaintances, accent the long-term in your conversations because they are looking for something that lasts. April 22nd and 23rd, close deals with a potent power of persuasion now. Take advantage of a heightened sense of what will sell! In May, whatever you do, don't repeat an idea someone else recently voiced. People are listening. This is personal. Make it personal.

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Today's Free Reading: When you demand a quick "Yes" or "No" answer and simple explanation, consult your Instant Answer Tarot.


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