Sagittarius Monthly BusinessScope for April 30, 2015

This month's theme is: risk for reward. However, the caveat exists in a word, and that is "unnecessary." Synchronously, helpful Mars and patient Saturn help you pause and weigh the question of whether the gains are worth it. Pause and evaluate whether you have the hunger to accomplish. Remember that you aren't here to fail which means it takes extra work to achieve. April 6th, the time is right for straight talk, but choose words with care because once said they can't be taken back (not that many haven't tried!). The key is to avoid tendencies to talk about everything but why you are meeting. This, by the way, is what competition hopes for. Your lucky day this month is April 8th. If in the job market, sending out resumes is the right action to take. There are times for stealth moves and the week of April 13th would be it. Be careful about those you take into your confidence. If two people know a secret, it is no longer a secret. April 22nd you should make a few more overt moves and have a good time doing it. You could bask in the glow of success as the month ends. A lovely spirit of cooperation develops in May.

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